Automatically engage missed callers via text
For small businesses (and big businesses too) inbound calls are potential new business so missing that call just means you’re letting the competition have your customers. Nearly 80% of people won’t leave a voicemail message while the open rate on a text message is nearly 98%. That’s why we have VentureTel SMS automations.
Imagine you’re trying to find a new Dentist and so you go to google and search for the best local dentists, and start calling down the list. The first dentist no one answers (probably cause they are the best dentist and really busy) and it goes to voicemail, so you hang up (cause face it, you’re part of that 80%) and call the next dentist on the list. Lucky for him he’s only slightly less as good a dentist as the first guy and able to answer the call. You get the picture!
Now what if after calling the first dentist you got a text message, saying something like “Sorry we missed your call, but you’re super important to us! How can we help?” wouldn’t it be super easy to just respond back and book an appointment? Sure, that’s the goal of VentureTel’s automations.
Start engaging with your potential new customers and current customers by using SMS automations which are included as part of your VentureTel business phone service. Want to know more or want help getting SMS automations setup? Give us a call or text us at 208.735.8999