Locate the IP address of the phone. This can be done on the phone by the following: Press the Menu button, go to Status, press check button, go to Network, press check button, go to TCP/IP Parameters. press the check button, and the IP should appear along with other info.
Open a web browser and type the IP address of the phone in the address bar. The default username/password is admin/456.
After logging in, hover over Settings and select Lines.
Expand Identification, Outbound Proxy, and Server 1
Under Identification enter the Display Name, Address, Authentication User ID, Authentication Password, and Label. You should use your Device Username and Password.
Under Outbound Proxy enter your SIP Server Address given in your welcome email.
Under Server 1 enter the SIP Server Address given in your welcome email, set Port to 5060 and set Expires (s) to 60.