Final Business Texting App Update of 2021
We hope 2021 was a great year for you! We at VentureTel are definitely grateful for a wonderful year, and excited for what 2022 will bring. Finishing out 2021 we had one last update of our texting app for business. We think things are really starting to come together with our SMS for business services that accompany our VoIP platform and these features are all included with our VentureTel Cloud based VoIP platform. If you aren’t using texting in your business communications yet, let’s chat and give it a try – you might be surprised at the number of people that are already trying to text you.
The end of 2021 update includes several improvements and enhancements from improved speed and performance to a few new useful features (based on clients feedback). This list isn’t all inclusive of everything updated, but here’s the list of new features and improvements that are worth mentioning!
- Fax Improvements – we made improvements to outbound faxing – now outbound faxes are more reliable – in our next update, we’ll be adding a few more improvements to outbound fax, like automatic retries on failed outbound faxes.
- Import Contacts via CSV – you can now import contacts via CSV to your VentureTel.app contacts list. This helps to display a name next to numbers in your SMS conversations. You can easily export your contacts to csv from outlook or from google contacts to import them into VentureTel.app.
- Sentiment Analysis – At this point this feature is more or less a fun feature and in beta – but we analyze inbound text messages with artificial intelligence to determine the sentiment of the message. You may see a happy face or smiling face before a message, which shows what our AI (powered by Google) has determined the sentiment of the message to be.
- Can now delete contacts – Why would you ever want to delete contact information for someone? That’s like unfriending someone isn’t it? Well, now you can and they’ll never even know – until you get a text from them again, and you have to ask who it is…
- Start a new text message or call from a voicemail or the call logs screen– Ever listen to a voicemail, and then want to be able to shoot back a quick message to give an answer or let them know you’ll get back to them soon? Now you can from the voicemail screen. Or if you are ready to call them back, you can start that call from the voicemail screen as well.
- Schedule an SMS message – This one was a great little suggestion from a few different clients – you can now schedule when a message will be sent out. Want to send a follow up message after an appointment? Or just want to send that message in the morning, rather than at the end of the day? This feature has lots of different uses – give it a try, and let us know if you can think of any ways to improve it.
- Call Notes – This feature is a precursor to a feature we hope to add down the road (we’re not ready to say what it is, in case things don’t work out for some reason). In the call history screen, there is an option in call logs to add a note to a call. Right now, that’s all it does, but everyone in your organization can see the note. Have any ideas on how something like this might help? Give us some feedback on this as well.
- Improvements to the admin dashboard – Admins can now see who the top SMS senders are as well as overall SMS and phone usage for your organization over the last 30 days.
- Call Recordings – You can now request that call recordings can be added to your account – contact support@venturetel.net if you would like this – also consult your attorney regarding your requirement to disclose this to callers. These recordings can be found and downloaded in your call history